AeroYoga Method on Aerial Yoga Magazine

aerial yoga magazine

Many thanks to Aerial Yoga Mag and Leticia for their selfless support of the AeroYoga ® method. The article is beautiful! Read it now and enjoy the pics of the publication in this post:

Puerto Rico Yoga Certification: AeroYoga ® Teacher Training in 5 Points.

puerto rico yoga certification

Puerto Rico Yoga Certification: AeroYoga ® Teacher Training in 5 Points. Puerto Rico Yoga Certification: Introducing Rafael Martínez AeroYoga ® Teacher Training. Discover today a new and revolutionary way to do your Yoga certification in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico Yoga Certification: Do you already know the AeroYoga® International Aerial Yoga teacher training?: Today we invite […]

Puerto Rico Yoga: What´s AeroYoga®, 18 Benefits

Puerto Rico Yoga. What is AeroYoga®? 18 Benefits 4 HealthPuerto Rico Yoga! AeroYoga® is a suspension work discipline developed by Rafael Martinez for two decades.Martinez defines the AeroYoga® as an «artistic method of personal growth in suspension». According to its author, this technique is defined as «artistic» because it seeks to develop the creative capacities of […]

Yoga Puerto Rico, Los Beneficios del AeroYoga Para la Espalda, Practica Aéreo con Rafael Martínez

yoga puerto rico

El AeroYoga® es un método ideal para controlar el dolor de espalda por varias razones. En primer lugar, porque ayuda a reequilibrar la columna. En AeroYoga® Institute y todos sus centros asociados trabajamos regularmente esta parte del cuerpo esencial para su correcto funcionamiento con diferentes ejercicios y posturas, que gracias a la suspensión parcial o total, son muy eficaces para estimular espalda y columna vertebral.

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