Taller AeroYoga Anti Estrés para el Trabajador Social.

En AeroYoga Institute trabajamos para que los participantes puedan desarrollar herramientas como la meditación y la respiración consciente
AeroYoga Workshops for everyone! Aerial Yoga Classes.

AeroYoga Institute offers AeroYoga workshops every weekend. Called Mini Retreats, consist of 3-hour non-stop sessions…
Control del estrés con AeroYoga. Yoga Aéreo Puerto Rico.

Controla el estrés con Yoga Aéreo by AeroYoga®. Promueve un estilo de vida saludable.
Retiros AeroYoga, 5 Beneficios. Yoga Aéreo Puerto Rico

Descubre hoy los 5 Beneficios* de nuestros Mini-Retiros de AeroYoga en Puerto Rico!.
Puerto Rico Yoga, Rafael Martinez Fly with AeroYoga ®

Puerto Rico Yoga, Rafael Martinez Fly from Spain to Puerto Rico with AeroYoga®.
Ayurveda Puerto Rico, Conoce los 3 Doshas

Ayurveda Puerto Rico: Conocer los 3 Doshas Es Comprender Mejor tu propia Naturaleza.
AeroYoga Method on Aerial Yoga Magazine

Many thanks to Aerial Yoga Mag and Leticia for their selfless support of the AeroYoga ® method. The article is beautiful! Read it now and enjoy the pics of the publication in this post:
Puerto Rico Yoga Retreat, 10 Reasons to Come to our AeroYoga® Class

Our Mini-Retreat in Puerto Rico is both a spiritual and physical experience.
The goal is to disconnect from your daily routine for several hours practicing AeroYoga® intensely and in an environment conducive to relaxation and self-discovery.
Retiro Yoga Puerto Rico, 10 Razones para Venir a los Mini-Retiros AeroYoga®!

Retiro Yoga Puerto Rico: Descubre ahora las 10 razones que te animarán a venir a nuestros Yoga Retreats del AeroYoga® Institute!
Puerto Rico Yoga Certification: AeroYoga ® Teacher Training in 5 Points.

Puerto Rico Yoga Certification: AeroYoga ® Teacher Training in 5 Points. Puerto Rico Yoga Certification: Introducing Rafael Martínez AeroYoga ® Teacher Training. Discover today a new and revolutionary way to do your Yoga certification in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico Yoga Certification: Do you already know the AeroYoga® International Aerial Yoga teacher training?: Today we invite […]