Aeroyoga ®, The New Fun and Beneficial Method for Body & Mind

aerial yoga magazine

Introducing our first AeroYoga ® article in a specialized magazine in English! I tell you that a few weeks ago my friend Leticia Rubio contacted Aerial Yoga Mag … and the rest is history …
Many thanks to Aerial Yoga Mag and Leticia for their selfless support of the AeroYoga ® method. The article is beautiful! Read it now and enjoy the pics of the publication in this post:

Yoga is becoming more popular these days. Especially now during the pandemic of COVID 19.  People feel more anxious, the case of depression has spike and they are trying to find new ways to ease their minds.  On the other side, we have people with different back issues, that would like to start with yoga due to their great benefits on the body but find it difficult to perform some of the poses on their yoga mat and inversions is one of them.

 That’s when 20 years ago I, Rafael Martínez had in mind a different way of doing yoga and decide to create the Aeroyoga Method and Yoga Creativo© with the help of sports medicine specialist. With this new way, a person can perform different poses while in suspension or on the yoga mat with our hammock swing, but in a more therapeutic way.

With so many designs on the market I want it that, everybody who gets on the swing to stay focus while performing the different poses.


The type of fabric must be the best quality because it would be the one responsible to carry the weight during the practice. Plus I want it to be special so that the students or people can identify our brand. After some research, we came up with the orange and white.

Orange symbolize energy, power, creativity, protection, plus as spiritual meaning because is the color used on the Buddhist  monk’s robes.

The white means peace, harmony, stability, meditation and is the color of learning. If for some reason the student loose the grip, these colors will guide them back to their main focus during the practice.

The hammock is secured on the ceiling with strong hooks and holding from heavy triple thread daisy straps that hold three different length straps would be hanging on the side of the swings to help with the grip and raised the legs for other health benefits and movement to different height levels of them during the retreat class. The fabric would serve as an important tool for the inversions as well as for relaxation, the feeling in it is like being inside of a cloud, soft and comfortable.

Plus is antiallergenic something that is very important because it would be in constant contact with the skin of the student. 

We are also proud to say that our brand became very popular due to the fact that we where the first company in the world to create a method of training and meditation adapted 100% together with hammock swing. We reinvent and redesign the perfect hammock swing.


Being the first with these characteristics and adaptations made its way on the market stronger and show the world the benefits of doing traditional yoga and pilates but in suspension. Our philosophy is this, practice any routine of exercise is the best for our body and should be always guided by a professional.

We had collaborations with doctors, physiotherapists, specialists in yoga and pilates.

With the Aeroyoga Method, you can obtain all the benefits with 3- 4 hours of practice.

We start the classes by sitting on the swing and taking a deep breath to prepare the body. This helps to expand our thoracic cave and our lungs receive fresh oxygen.  The student will take a strong grip of the sides of the hammock and will slowly start to push his body back while raising their legs in the air.

When we are suspended upside down the receptors in our brain sense the raised in blood flow and immediately would make the heart slow down. Our lymphatic system would flush away all the accumulated waste and return oxygenated blood through all our bodies.

The pressure that our veins received most of the time decrease and this helps with the issue of varicose veins, edema, and tired legs. Our immune system would respond positively to this too. Fresh blood would start to be received in the face making you feel refreshed and rejuvenated.  The hormonal balance would improve thanks to the positive effects of this practice on the thymus, thyroid, pituitary gland, and hypothalamus.

The spine receives the most benefits of all, axial decompression, making it more relax and oxygenated. People that suffer from a sluggish digestive system would benefit from it as it drains and flushes all the toxins in this area.  The lower abdomen strengthens with each movement.

As for our mental state, it increases our self-esteem for the whole day.

Rafael Martinez

The use of electronics or multitasking sometimes decreases our ability to stay focus.  Working with the balance makes our whole consciousness in synchronicity with our body and have an instant flush, we called this Aero Sirsasana.

But don’t be scare thinking that all the poses are upside down in total suspension.  We also make some semi suspensions on the floor with the yoga mat.  The student would lay their back on the mat facing up and one of the three straps would be lower and the feet would be put through the loops making it higher than the chest.  What this would do it stimulate the parasympathetic system and any anxiety that the person might have would decrease, bringing calm and balance to their body.

Our Aeroyoga ® Method provides so many benefits that we received two different awards.

The first on 2017 Ranking as Best Educational Center by the Asociación Española de Escuela y Negocios. Then on October 25 of 2018 at Madrid, Spain we received the highest award by the Ilustre Academia de las Ciencias de la Salud Ramón y Cajal grant us the Medalla de Oro al Mérito Sanitario (Illustrated Academy of Science and Health Ramón y Cajal gave the The Medal of Gold  for Health Merit)

Here is a list of some of the many benefits of this Aeroyoga® Method:

·       Reduce the levels of cortisol in the body “the hit and run response “decrease

·       Helps fight with the ADD caused by everyday distractions

·       Increase our memory and keep us concentrate for longer periods of time

·       Increase your respiratory capacity with the Pranayama technique

·       Ayurveda Rasayana helps with the muscle tone and detox effect

·       Reduce the levels of glucose in the blood

·       Helps with the increase of vitamin C in our body

·       Oxytocin levels raise up

·       HDL increase while the LDL decrease

Our Aeroyoga® mini-retreats are offered in Aeroyoga Institute® in Puerto Rico on Saturdays and Sundays from 10 am-2 pm at our Casa de la Ceiba in Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico.

When visiting our studio, you will be mesmerized by the wonderful view on the mountains and the sound of birds. When you enter us you will feel instant calm with music and the scent of our organic-ecofriendly essential oils and the colorful swing hammocks ready to relax you.

The first hours work on the stretches and strength of the body. The last hour of the class would be with lithotherapy, which is hot stones infused with different essential oils that would activate all your senses and create a calming effect all over your body.

When the class is finished you would be guided to our beautiful patio with the view of El Yunque Rainforest follow by a delicious anti-aging tea and you can choose a vegan or non-vegan lunch and delicious keto-friendly dessert. 

Immerse yourself in our mini yoga retreat guided by Rafael Martínez creator of the brand and his business partner Juan Carlos Morales.

For more information you can reach us through:

WhatsApp at (787)692-4636




Puerto Rico AeroYoga ® Mini-Retreat

Our Mini Yoga Retreat in Puerto Rico is both a spiritual and physical experience.
The goal is to disconnect from your daily routine for several hours practicing AeroYoga® intensely and in an environment conducive to relaxation and self-discovery.

Discover now the 10 reasons that will encourage you to come to our AeroYoga® Institute Yoga Retreats!  Keep reading! click here!

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